Posted Thursday, November 02, 2017 | By: Rumdual | Posted in  Videos | Read 3876

I've sort of figured out Mark's rating system: A). The nod = it's edible (but not good). B). The nod + smile = it's edible. C). The double nod + smile + "Mmm" = It's okay/average. D). The double nod + smile + "Ohh! Ya!" = above average. E). The head tilt & nod + big smile + "Ohh! Ya!" = good. F). The pause + big-big smile + double head tilt & nod + "Ohh! Ya!" + enthused description (including the word 'seriously' ) = excellent.

Don't forget to try the Nom Bornhjok (នំបញ្ចុក) on the street; during the morning and midday you'll see ladies carrying a stick across their shoulders with a pot of green curry on one side and vegetables/plates on the other side. They're the best noodles you'll have here :) Other options include the Orussey Market for best desserts, including amazing green mochi for 8 per dollar, or 12 and get one free by entering the market at (11.562972N, 104,91586E) and turning left. After exploring, check out Kuy Teav Chan at (11.563827N, 104.915512E) [look for house number 97E0]. A fusion type street food is the pork Döner Kebap, which you can find outside of several schools here; my favorite is Mittapheap Döner Kebap at (11.560382N, 104.922984E): one kebap is 3,500, but I give her 4,000 so that she adds a little more pork; good stuff, my in-laws are always asking me to stop there to buy some kebaps. Otherwise, for more formal Cambodian food dining, try Malis (11.55315N, 104.9290E), which Andrew Zimmern also visited. Wish you had a fan meet-up here in Phnom Penh :D
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