Posted Tuesday, May 31, 2016 | By: Popzone Asia | Posted in  Photos , Social News | Read 5093
Singapore TV Channel NewsAsia via its website, expressed Ironically for a technical error in the video clip on Youtube of the Council of Ministers (PRESS OCM). In the video for about 3 minutes, the Cambodian Human Rights Committee described in relation to civil rights and warned against the use of such anarchy.
Video has compared the situation in Syria to Libya in the past and present. They are a great past, but usage rights over the limit has led to these desolate destroyed.
The video was produced by the Cambodian Human Rights Committee and released on an official government YouTube channel. Cambodian authorities have been actively cracking down on dissent in recent months, particularly by opposition and rights group.
What Channel NewsAsia noted that the government had taken photos of the building's modern Singapore (Singapore Skyline), but writes that Libya Before (Libya) in the past.
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